Beveled the sides of the transom with a block plane so that they met flush with the side panels. I struggled for a while trying to decide whether or not to bevel the bottom of the transom to meet flush with the bottom panels/keelson, as suggested on page 65 in the manual - but decided against it. I'm going to just pack thickened epoxy under the bottom of the transom (and between the 3/4" wood screws that are holding it in place), let it cure, take out the screws, then apply a thick fillet. I decided to epoxy a strip of fiberglass on the vertical sides where the transom meets the side panels for extra strength as I'm definitely going to be hanging an outboard off the back.
Above: Tack welded the bottom (between the temporary screws) and sides. Will remove screws and finish with a thick fillet.
Grain of the plywood on the transom looks great!