Thursday, October 2, 2014

Epoxy Fillets: Application and Sanding

Sanding epoxy is like sanding concrete....doesn't sound like much fun and it really isn't (a beer or 2 will ease the pain however)  Strongly suggest a little fillet practice outside the boat to get an idea of the optimal wood flour : silica powder (cab-o-sil) ratio which will produce a fillet that is still very strong but smooth enough when applied that it will not leave many pock marks (little holes).  I think the pock marks are a result of the epoxy being to thick.  I finally decided that a 75% wood flour : 25% cab-o-sil was best for me; sometimes even a little more cab-o-sil.

Different size metal spoons dipped in denatured alcohol worked great at smoothing the fillets.  Also used the various size wood fillet sticks that CLC sells.  Without question, you want to be as neat with your fillets as you can.  Use some tape for the borders; pull it up about 2 hours after application.  Clean up any epoxy outside the tape and/or that might have dripped onto other areas of the boat right away.

Couples pictures below.  I've finished sanding the fillets.  It took quite a few hours.  You can see that some of the fillets in the pictures have a darker and smoother look.  These are the fillets that I recently applied a layer of unthickened epoxy over the initial fillet.  This tends to fill some small gaps and pock marks.  Works well; really smooths the fillets out.  Some folks chose a different method and applied a second and thin application of thickened epoxy to the initial layer.

Above:  That board that I have laying on the floor supports really helped me get to the fillets without having to step on the bottom panels

Above:  I have not installed the transom yet although it's indicated in the manual.  It was much easier getting in/out of the boat for sanding.

Above:  Bow compartment.  I will be applying a layer of fiberglass strips and epoxy to all the joint seams in this compartment this weekend - and maybe on the transom too since an outboard will be hung back there

Above:  Quite a gap where the bottom panel/side panel meet towards the bow.  Hmmmm.  Probably will just fill with a thickened epoxy tack weld - and pray.  Any volunteers to take her out for the maiden cruise..........?

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